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Checking Accounts

Credit union checking accounts, or share draft accounts, allow you to easily access your money daily. With a standard checking account, you deposit and withdraw funds. These accounts allow you to take money out of your account and pay for things by using a debit or ATM card, writing a check, and via online and mobile banking resources.

woman checks bank account online

Opening a Checking Account

opening a checking account

Things to Consider When Opening a Checking Account


Direct Deposits

woman direct deposit

What to Know About Overdraft Fees and How to Avoid Them

Overdraft occurs when you spend more money than is in the account. Your credit union or bank may charge a fee when this occurs.

Having Overdraft Protection is Optional

Overdraft protection is an optional service to cover a transaction when there are not enough funds available. There may be a fee for this protection, so if it is not working for you or if you are finding it hard to manage, you can opt out. Without overdraft protection, if you use your debit card but don't have enough funds in your account to cover the transaction, it will not go through.


Link Your Checking Account to Your Savings Account or to a Line of Credit

When you link your checking accounts to your savings account or to a line of credit, there may be sufficient funds available to cover an overage in another account. In this case, you would not be charged an overdraft fee, as long as there are sufficient funds in your linked account to cover the transaction.


Set Up Alerts to Warn You When Balances Get Low

Some credit unions may allow you to sign up to receive an email or text alert when your checking account balance drops below a specified threshold.


Talk to Your Credit Union

If your cash flow is creating issues for your accounts, or you find yourself in a financial bind, reach out to your credit union to explore your options. Your credit union may have resources and budgeting tools to promote smart spending.


Learn More

Do You Need Help Managing Your Money?

In life we sometimes find that we can no longer manage our finances independently or we recognize signs that our loved ones are struggling to manage their own finances. In such instances, there are informal and formal arrangements that can be put in place to assist you. Consider a Power of Attorney to give someone else legal authority to make decisions about your money or property when you can no longer properly manage your finances. There are other options such as assigning a guardian or a trustee when money and property is managed through a trust. As well, you may work with your financial institution to designate a trusted contact. This is a person of your choosing who your credit union or bank can reach out to if they are unable to get in contact with you. They can also validate information about you, your guardians, and legal representation.

Unauthorized Transactions and the Electronic Funds Transfer Act

When you find unauthorized transactions on your checking account statement there are some actions you must take to avoid liability for future unauthorized transfers. Know and understand your rights under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) to save you time and money. Read our blog to learn how to handle unauthorized transactions.

Last Modified on 02/04/25