Before You Submit a Complaint, Here is What You Will Need
Before you go through the complaint process, we recommend trying to resolve the dispute directly with your credit union. If you are unsuccessful, you will need the following information to file a formal complaint with the CAC:
- Your name, address, email (if you have one) and telephone number.
- The full name and address of the credit union involved in your complaint.
- The names of those you dealt with at the credit union, including dates.
- A copy of any written correspondence you have already had with the credit union regarding the issue at hand and any reply that you received.
- A clear and detailed description of your complaint.
- A brief description of what action you want the credit union to take to resolve the problem.
- Legible copies of supporting documentation (if you have it). Do not send original statements or documents.
Note: The NCUA’s Consumer Assistance Center does not handle nor retain consumers’ personal or confidential information, such as your social security, credit card, or account numbers. You should delete personal or confidential information from the information you share with the NCUA.
How Do I Submit a Complaint?
The complaint process begins when you submit a complaint using the online the NCUA Consumer Complaint Form or mail or fax the PDF version to the CAC.

When the CAC receives your complaint, the CAC will send you an acknowledgment that includes a case number. Next, the CAC will determine whether your complaint involves matters within the NCUA's enforcement authority. If your complaint falls outside of the NCUA’s regulatory enforcement authority, the CAC will notify you that your case has been referred to the appropriate federal or state agency for handling.

If the NCUA can help resolve your complaint, the CAC will forward it and any documents to the credit union for review. We request the credit union attempt to resolve your complaint within 60 calendar days.
If the credit union confirms that the issue is resolved in writing to both you and the CAC within the 60-day time period, the CAC will close your case.

We may begin a formal investigation, if:
- The credit union does not provide a written response about your complaint within the 60-calendar days;
- The credit union notifies the CAC in writing that it has been unable to resolve your complaint; or
- You dispute the credit union’s assertion that your complaint has been resolved by contacting the CAC in writing within 30 calendar days of the date of the credit union's response letter to you.

How Do I Appeal My Case?
After the CAC completes an investigation, the CAC will issue a determination Consumers and credit unions may request that the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs review the CAC’s determination in complaint matters. This appeal of the determination should be in writing and received by the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs within 30 days of the date of the Consumer Assistance Center determination letter. The mailing address for the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs is 1775 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3418.